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Steve Gruber talks about CHRIS MICKLATCHER and Fresh Start Tax Solutions.
There have been a lot of stories about surprised taxpayers this year, and many of those surprises were decidedly unpleasant. Taxpayers who had received large refunds for years were shocked to find that they owed the IRS money this year, sometimes thousands of dollars in additional taxes due.
Still others were shocked to find an IRS notice in their mailboxes – a formal letter detailing an additional tax liability and demanding payment for taxes due. These IRS notices can leave even the most conscientious tax filer blindsided – and wondering what to do next.
Whether you expected a refund and received a bill or found a notice from the IRS lurking in your mailbox, what you do next matters a great deal. Here are some critical steps to take if you owe money to the IRS, but before we jump in, we encourage all readers facing a tax problem to contact us for a free consultation.
Stop Panicking
There is no scarier piece of mail than a notice from the IRS, especially if that notice comes with a big tax bill attached. Even so, a notification of additional taxes due is no excuse to panic and worrying will not make the problem go away.
So calm down, think rationally and plan your next steps carefully. There are right and wrong ways to address the issue, and the steps you take next could make all the difference.
Double-Check Your Math and Gather Your Documents
Something as simple as a transposed number or mismatched form could trigger a notice from the IRS, but the good news is these problems can be easy to resolve. Before you do anything else, go back to your original documents and double-check your numbers.
Compare the 1099 forms and W2s you received with the numbers you entered on your return. If there are inconsistencies and errors, you may be able to simply file an amended return and resolve the issue.
Contact A Tax Resolution Firm
Your tax preparer can be a big help when you receive an audit notice or demand for additional taxes from the IRS, but chances are they won’t know how to negotiate with the IRS nor will they fully understand your options for tax relief.
Working with a firm that specializes in tax debt relief and tax resolution, you’ll be able to map out a plan to get your back taxes taken care of.
Ask About Possible Penalty Forgiveness
Changes to the tax code have left many taxpayers owing money to the IRS when they expected to be cashing big refund checks. The limitations in the deductibility of state and local taxes, coupled with updates to the withholding tables, have left millions of taxpayers in this situation.
The IRS has taken notice, and the tax agency has been waiving underpayment penalties and interest for many of the affected taxpayers. If you are completing your tax return and find that you owe money to the IRS, contact the agency (or ask our firm) about possible waivers for part of the amount due. You will still be responsible for the taxes you owe, but you may be able to get relief from any penalties and interest.
Seek Payment Arrangements with the IRS
Owing money to the IRS is frightening, but the tax agency is not entirely lacking in compassion. The IRS knows that many taxpayers will have trouble making their payments in full, and the agency may be willing to set up a more affordable payment plan.
If you receive a surprise tax bill you should try to pay what you owe, assuming it’s correct and your tax preparer already lowered your tax liability to the lowest amount allowed by law.
If you are unable to pay what you owe, contact our firm and we can help you setup a properly structured payment plan that can save you a lot in the long run.
Keep in mind you could be on the hook for additional penalties, as well as interest on your outstanding balance.
Owing money to the IRS is scary and having a large tax liability can wreak havoc with your finances and your life. Even so, there are things you can do to ease the burden, so you can pay what you owe and send the IRS on its way. The steps outlined above can help you get a handle on the situation, so you can rest easy and stop worrying about your tax bill.
If you want an expert tax resolution professional who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.
Three of the most frightening words in the English language are Internal Revenue Service. Few government agencies can strike fear into the heart of citizens like the IRS, and the tax agency enjoys powers most parts of the government simply do not have.
Unlike those other government agencies, the IRS has the ability to garnish your wages, freeze your bank accounts and seize your property. If you owe money to the IRS, doing nothing is simply not an option.
But should you negotiate with the agency on your own, or is hiring a tax resolution expert the better choice?
As an expert Tax Resolution Firm ourselves, we encourage all readers facing a tax problem to contact us for a free consultation.
But let’s dive into the pros and cons of hiring a tax relief firm so you can decide for yourself.
The Benefits of a Tax Resolution Service
If you owe back taxes to the IRS, there are some definite benefits to hiring a tax resolution service. These companies exist for a reason, and they can provide a way out for taxpayers who feel overwhelmed by the whole process. Here are some of the biggest benefits of working with a tax resolution service.
#1 You will not have to deal with the IRS directly. No one likes dealing with the IRS, and when you work with a tax resolution service, you will not have to. You interact solely with the tax resolution service, and they deal with the IRS on your behalf.
#2 You gain years of expertise. The best tax resolution services are staffed with tax experts, men and women with a deep knowledge of the tax code and how it works. This specific expertise could be the key to getting the best deal, one that saves you money while avoiding the wrath of the IRS.
#3 It could help you resolve your tax issues more quickly. Having an IRS problem hanging over your head is stressful and unpleasant, and the sooner you get it resolved, the better. Engaging with a tax resolution company could help you resolve your IRS problems faster, so you can get on with the rest of your life.
#4 You could strike a better deal. Negotiating with the IRS on your own can be intimidating, and the tax agency may not offer you the best terms. Tax resolution services are used to dealing with the IRS, and they may be able to drive a better bargain.
The Potential Drawbacks of Tax Resolution
Working with a tax resolution service makes sense on many levels, and taxpayers can enjoy a number of important benefits in the process. Even so, there are some potential pitfalls to working with such a company, and you need to weigh the pros and cons yourself. Here are some of the possible drawbacks of working with a tax resolution company.
#1 You will typically have to pay a fee. Nothing in life is free, including tax resolution services. You will generally need to pay a fee for these services. If you owe less than $10,000 then it might make more sense to handle the case on your own.
#2 Not all companies are reputable. The world of tax resolution services can be a difficult one to negotiate, and not all services can deliver what they claim. It is important to do your homework and choose your tax resolution provider with care.
#3 It can take time for your case to be resolved. While some tax problems can be resolved almost instantly, others could take months, maybe even years to work through. Whether you hire a tax resolution service or not, you need to be prepared for a long journey.
#4 You will be giving up some control. When you hand your tax problems off to a third party, you also hand off control of your tax situation. This can also be liberating knowing that someone else has your back and their job is to help you find tax relief.
Whether you receive a big tax bill instead of the expected refund or owe thousands of dollars in back taxes from an audit, dealing with the IRS is no fun. The desire to hand that task off to an expert is certainly understandable, and in many cases, it is the best move you could make.
Now that you know the pros and cons of working with a tax resolution service, you can make the wise choice – and put your tax problems behind you.
If you want an expert tax resolution professional who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.
How to Avoid a Surprise Tax Bill – and What to Do If You Get One
Tax filing season is here again, and millions of hardworking Americans are already dreaming of those fat refund checks. Unfortunately, many of them may be disappointed this year.
The combination of recent changes to the tax law and updates to employer withholding tables have shrunk the size of tax refunds – and left some unlucky taxpayers with a bill instead of a check. Instead of making plans to spend their windfall, these taxpayers are struggling to pay the unexpected tax bill.
So, what can you do if you find yourself in this uncomfortable situation? How can you avoid ending up with a big tax bill this year? Here are some tips to help you avoid a tax bill and some advice on what to do if you get one.
If find yourself in tax trouble (even if you have years of unfiled tax returns), reach out to our expert tax resolution firm at here for a free, no-obligation consultation.
Pay Attention to Your Paychecks
Thanks to recent changes in the tax law, you may have seen a boost in the size of your paycheck. And while that is ultimately a good thing, the reduced withholding could mean a smaller refund, or even a tax bill, when you file.
If you want to avoid a tax day surprise, pay close attention to your paychecks, especially the amount withheld for federal taxes. If you see the withholding has gone down, you can ask your employer to adjust it to make sure you’re withholding the right amount. That will mean a smaller paycheck now, but it could save you future tax debt and penalties.
Run the Numbers ahead of Time
You do not have to wait for tax filing season to estimate how much you might get back or how much you might owe. As long as you have your final paycheck from last year and some basic information, you can run the numbers and get a good idea of where you stand.
You will need as much information as you can get on your income and deductions, so gather as much documentation as you can. Armed with those numbers, you can estimate your future taxes using your favorite tax prep software or your calculator.
File as Early as You Can
If you do owe money to the IRS, it pays to know about it as soon as possible. Filing as soon as you can means you will have more time to make a plan and find the money to pay the taxes due.
Keep in mind that paying late could mean additional penalties and interest, so it makes sense to settle up as quickly as you can. By filing early, or at least running the numbers, you will know where you stand.
Don’t talk to the IRS, talk to us first.
If you do get hit with a surprise tax bill and lack the money to pay it, you need to settle your tax problem as soon as possible. The IRS wants their money, and they have unbridled authority to get it, so simply avoiding the tax bill will not make it go away, but make it worse. A lot worse.
However, dealing with the IRS is often intimidating for most taxpayers. Talking to the IRS and trying to resolve your own tax problem is like going to court without a lawyer, you’ll most likely get crushed.
A tax resolution firm like ours has years of experience helping taxpayers just like you resolve IRS and State tax problems and negotiating the best deal on your behalf. If you owe the IRS money either for 2019 or prior years, contact us now for a consultation to learn about your options.
The good news is the IRS has several debt settlement options including their Fresh Start Initiative and is generally willing to settle with taxpayers who have been blindsided by a surprise tax bill and get pay it off in full.
Hopefully, tax filing season will bring the big fat refund you are expecting, but it is important to be prepared for the unexpected. The new tax bill has unleashed a host of unintended consequences, including smaller refunds and surprise tax bills. By being prepared, you can reduce the pain of a surprise tax bill, so you can get on with the rest of your life.
Tax audit. It’s a phrase that can momentarily stop the heart of even the most even-keeled taxpayer. The thought of having our income taxes reviewed by the government and potentially having to pay an untold amount of additional taxes and penalties is frightening to most people.
If you’re in the middle of an audit or owe back taxes, contact us to schedule a free consultation.
Tax audits make even the most honest and straightforward people sweat and shake when meeting with auditors. Part of it is being in an unfamiliar territory with unknown consequences. Part of it is feeling helpless in the face of the government who can make you feel like they ultimately have complete power over your financial situation.
In reality, a tax audit is nothing to be afraid of if you have documented all of your claimed expenses and deductions and have followed the rules. We always encourage our clients to have proper help from a qualified tax advisor, particularly one that specializes in resolving complex tax problem cases.
In many cases, the IRS will request further information, often to back up a claim for a deduction or credit. This is frequently mistakenly referred to as an audit, but is not a formal or real audit, although it to could result in additional taxes, interest and penalties.
A real audit is a more in-depth process that could involve a visit from an auditor or may be simply a “desk audit”- where the auditor receives the information from the taxpayer by fax or mail.
IRS Income Tax audits can be the result of many different things and often do not imply that the taxpayer has done anything wrong. The IRS or State may be focusing on a certain type of deduction one year and request back up from everyone who has claimed a high dollar value deduction compared with their income.
IRS or State Tax audits can also be random. Ultimately, the government is simply trying to ensure that you are reporting your income and expenses accurately so that they receive the correct amount of tax revenue from you.
Getting ready for a tax audit should be an ongoing process. The golden rule is that you shouldn’t claim anything on your taxes that you aren’t willing and able to fight for and back up with documentation. Every deduction should be backed with receipts and other documents. All tax receipts should be kept with a copy of the return filed for at least seven years.
And, even if you have a professional prepare your taxes, make sure that you review them and understand the basics of what is being claimed. It will be you, not the tax professional, paying penalties and interest if your return is incorrect.
Tax audits can be scary but with a bit of ongoing preparation and organization, and an expert to represent you, they really are nothing to worry about.
If you need an expert tax resolution professional who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.
Celebrities often get preferential treatment, but that doesn’t apply with the IRS. When you make money, you’re going to get taxed one way or another and even an army of accountants and tax professionals couldn’t save these 7 celebrities from the taxman.
Before we jump into it, if you or someone you know needs help with their back tax problem, contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and let’s get your tax issue resolved. CLICK HERE
#1 Floyd Mayweather Jr. $29.4 million back tax debt
According to IRS tax liens filed against Floyd Mayweather, the superstar boxer owes $7.2 million for 2010 and another $22.2 million for 2015 in back taxes.
It’s the latest IRS fight for Mayweather, who paid $15.5 million in taxes for 2001, 2003-2007 and 2009 only after the IRS filed liens against him in those cases, according to documents filed to the Clark County Recorder in Las Vegas.
#2 Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne
$1.7 million back taxes
The IRS filed a $1.7 million lien for taxes the celebrity couple did not pay in 2008 and 2009.
She fired off on Twitter to explain: “You can’t rely on anyone but yourself. You have to be on top of your own business affairs. My fault. Lesson learned.”
#3 Willie Nelson
$16.7 million back taxes
What do you do if you owe the IRS $16.7 million in back taxes? Well, if you’re Willie Nelson, you just make an album and use the money from that to pay your bill.
After the IRS hit the Country music star with a bill for $16.7 million in unpaid back taxes, he quickly released an album titled “The IRS Tapes: Who Will Buy My Memories?” By 1993, Nelson was able to pay his back taxes.
#4 Nicolas Cage
$6.3 million back tax debt
Nicolas Cage was once a top earner in Hollywood, worth $150 million.
But Cage didn’t hold on to his fortune for long. He squandered it away on a string of expensive and often eccentric purchases, eventually facing foreclosure on several properties and owing the IRS $6.3 million in back taxes
The IRS hit the actor with a federal tax lien in 2009, accusing the star of failing to pay more than $6 million in income tax two years prior. Cage was also hit with a second lien that accused him of cheating his way out of $350,000 in taxes between 2002 and 2004.
Cage was then slapped with a lawsuit from Red Curb Investments in 2009, alleging he committed fraud by not disclosing he was in debt to the IRS when they agreed to a $3.5 million loan for a real estate deal in 2007.
On the flip side, he spent $10 million buying 2 castles in Europe, $3 million buying an island in the Bahamas, $150,000 on a pet octopus, and briefly owned a dinosaur skill he had paid $276,000 for. $6.3 million in back taxes sounds a lot less exciting than a dinosaur skill though. Poor Nicolas Cage.
#5 Chris Tucker
$14 million back tax debt
In a Netflix stand up comedy bit Chris Tucker said “Take care of your business man, be careful who you listen to. That’s the last time I let Wesley Snipes help me out with my taxes! Almost got both of our asses locked up.”
Watch the video here:
More on Wesley Snipes own tax issues below, but the Rush Hour movie star and comedian has been in an out of tax trouble for a few years, reportedly stacking upwards of $14 million in back tax debt.
“You gotta be able to fill out a 1099. You gotta help me out with my taxes. You gotta have an accounting degree to be with me.”
#6 Wesley Snipes
$23.5 million back tax debt
Forbes reported in 2018 that after years of IRS troubles, Wesley Snipes continued his battle, and unfortunately not doing so well. To wipe out $23.5 million in back taxes, he offered a fraction, about $842,000 but the IRS said no.
During 1999 through 2001, Snipes avoided $7 million in taxes by listening to an accountant and anti-tax advocate who claimed you did not legally have to pay taxes.
In 2008, Snipes was convicted of three misdemeanor counts of failing to file tax returns. He got jail time, reporting to McKean Federal Correctional Institution on December 9, 2010. He finished at an adjacent minimum security Club Fed, and was released in April 2013.
But despite all the back and forth, Wesley Snipes continues to struggle with back taxes.
Celebrities often get preferential treatment, but that doesn’t apply with the IRS. When you make money, you’re going to get taxed one way or another and even an army of accountants and tax professionals couldn’t save these 7 celebrities from the taxman.
Before we jump into it, if you or someone you know needs help with their back tax problem, contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and let’s get your tax issue resolved. CLICK HERE
#1 Floyd Mayweather Jr. $29.4 million back tax debt
According to IRS tax liens filed against Floyd Mayweather, the superstar boxer owes $7.2 million for 2010 and another $22.2 million for 2015 in back taxes.
It’s the latest IRS fight for Mayweather, who paid $15.5 million in taxes for 2001, 2003-2007 and 2009 only after the IRS filed liens against him in those cases, according to documents filed to the Clark County Recorder in Las Vegas.
#2 Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne
$1.7 million back taxes
The IRS filed a $1.7 million lien for taxes the celebrity couple did not pay in 2008 and 2009.
She fired off on Twitter to explain: “You can’t rely on anyone but yourself. You have to be on top of your own business affairs. My fault. Lesson learned.”
#3 Willie Nelson
$16.7 million back taxes
What do you do if you owe the IRS $16.7 million in back taxes? Well, if you’re Willie Nelson, you just make an album and use the money from that to pay your bill.
After the IRS hit the Country music star with a bill for $16.7 million in unpaid back taxes, he quickly released an album titled “The IRS Tapes: Who Will Buy My Memories?” By 1993, Nelson was able to pay his back taxes.
#4 Nicolas Cage
$6.3 million back tax debt
Nicolas Cage was once a top earner in Hollywood, worth $150 million.
But Cage didn’t hold on to his fortune for long. He squandered it away on a string of expensive and often eccentric purchases, eventually facing foreclosure on several properties and owing the IRS $6.3 million in back taxes
The IRS hit the actor with a federal tax lien in 2009, accusing the star of failing to pay more than $6 million in income tax two years prior. Cage was also hit with a second lien that accused him of cheating his way out of $350,000 in taxes between 2002 and 2004.
Cage was then slapped with a lawsuit from Red Curb Investments in 2009, alleging he committed fraud by not disclosing he was in debt to the IRS when they agreed to a $3.5 million loan for a real estate deal in 2007.
On the flip side, he spent $10 million buying 2 castles in Europe, $3 million buying an island in the Bahamas, $150,000 on a pet octopus, and briefly owned a dinosaur skill he had paid $276,000 for. $6.3 million in back taxes sounds a lot less exciting than a dinosaur skill though. Poor Nicolas Cage.
#5 Chris Tucker
$14 million back tax debt
In a Netflix stand up comedy bit Chris Tucker said “Take care of your business man, be careful who you listen to. That’s the last time I let Wesley Snipes help me out with my taxes! Almost got both of our asses locked up.”
Watch the video here:
More on Wesley Snipes own tax issues below, but the Rush Hour movie star and comedian has been in an out of tax trouble for a few years, reportedly stacking upwards of $14 million in back tax debt.
“You gotta be able to fill out a 1099. You gotta help me out with my taxes. You gotta have an accounting degree to be with me.”
#6 Wesley Snipes
$23.5 million back tax debt
Forbes reported in 2018 that after years of IRS troubles, Wesley Snipes continued his battle, and unfortunately not doing so well. To wipe out $23.5 million in back taxes, he offered a fraction, about $842,000 but the IRS said no.
During 1999 through 2001, Snipes avoided $7 million in taxes by listening to an accountant and anti-tax advocate who claimed you did not legally have to pay taxes.
In 2008, Snipes was convicted of three misdemeanor counts of failing to file tax returns. He got jail time, reporting to McKean Federal Correctional Institution on December 9, 2010. He finished at an adjacent minimum security Club Fed, and was released in April 2013.
But despite all the back and forth, Wesley Snipes continues to struggle with back taxes.
#7 Robert Downey Jr
$2 million back tax debt
Before getting clean during the 1980’s and 1990’s, actor Robert Downey Jr. fell more than $2 million behind on state and federal income taxes according to tax liens filed against him.. After getting clean, the star of Iron Man and other blockbusters paid off the debts.
Small Business Owner: Owe Payroll Taxes? Here’s What To Do.
Unpaid payroll taxes are a serious matter to the IRS and are some of the worst kind of back taxes you can owe. If you’re a small business owner with payroll tax problem, read on to learn what you can do to avoid the IRS crippling your business or worse, shut your business down completely.
Already in payroll tax trouble? Contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and let’s get your payroll tax issue resolved. CLICK HERE
Why Small Business Owners Get Into Payroll Tax Trouble In The First Place
It’s hard being a small business owner today, trying to pay your employees their paychecks every week, and pay the IRS all those payroll taxes!
A lot of times when money is short, you pay the employees first. It’s a natural thing to do—you need to take care of your employees, even if you have to skip paying yourself! Besides if you don’t pay them, they’ll quit and you will have to hire new people all the time.
- It can seem easy to “just pay it next pay period” and give yourself a little cash flow cushion, but skipping paying your employees payroll tax deposits is never a good idea.
- What happens too often is 1 pay period turns into 2, and 3, and 4, and eventually you’re so deep in payroll tax debt that the only thing you want to do is completely ignore your problem.
- Except the IRS doesn’t care about your financial problems. They just want you to pay your payroll taxes!
The IRS doesn’t care if you can’t pay your employees. They don’t care if they put your employees out on the street. They don’t care if you can’t collect your receivables. They don’t care if one of your largest and best customers just went “belly-up”. All they care about is you have money that belongs to them and they will do whatever they have to, even put you out of business, to collect it. They don’t care who you are, or even what business you are in.
Penalties are The Kiss Of Death When It Comes To Back Payroll Taxes
Penalties for failing to file and pay your payroll taxes are the “kiss of death” for any small business owner. They tack on penalties totaling 33% in just the first 16 days! And it doesn’t stop there. The IRS adds interest on top of the penalties too. It is not uncommon that a payroll tax liability doubles in short order. And if you don’t pay them or work something out, they will shut you down! It’s much less work for the Revenue Officer, as most are lazy, to simply close you down than work out an arrangement with you.
They IRS Will Collect Or They Will Shut You Down
It’s as simple as that. The IRS is the most brutal collection agency on the planet. They have more authority than the President of the United States! And they have all the ways and means to do whatever it takes to collect what’s owed to them. You didn’t wake up in the morning, go to work, and say to yourself, I’m not paying my payroll taxes because you didn’t want to. The money simply wasn’t there. It’s not your fault. One week you’re short of cash. It was a slow week, a customer’s check bounced, or any number of legitimate reasons that just prevent you from paying the IRS. You’re a good person. You figure you will make it up the next week. But then next week comes and goes, and you realize you still don’t have enough money to make that payroll tax deposit. And then the entire situation starts “snow-balling” into an avalanche.
Should You Call The IRS To Get Your Payroll Issue Fixed?
If you were to call the IRS, and were able to get through after waiting on “hold” for an hour, and try to explain your situation—you might as well have a conversation with the wall—because they don’t care. The IRS representative that you’re talking to probably makes less than $20 an hour, and is poorly trained. Do you think they ever had to make a payroll in their life? Do you think they know what it’s like running a small business? Do you really think they will have any sympathy for you?
Not only is the answer “NO” but they can also dictate the fate of your case. What they will try to get, while you’re on the phone, is all your personal and financial information. They want to know where you bank; they’ll want to know all about your customers who owe you money, they’ll want to know about the value of all your assets, like your home, cars, motorcycles, etc. Why? Because now they have all the information they need to levy your bank accounts, take your receivables and seize your property.
Now that you know you shouldn’t be talking to the IRS because they are not going to help you, you might be wondering what you should do? Where should you turn for help? They smartest thing you can do to protect your business and family is to have someone represent you—someone who deals with the IRS for a living. You need to get help—but not just from anyone—you need help from someone who is an experienced competent professional, and deals with the IRS every day, helping small business owners keep their businesses and settle IRS payroll tax problems.
Reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem CLICK HERE. Our expert tax resolution professionals know how to navigate the IRS maze.
Once you decide to retain us, we step into your shoes and protect you from the IRS’s abusive tactics. We take over all communications from the IRS on your behalf. You don’t have to speak with the IRS anymore. We do. Not only that—they are not allowed to talk to you once you signed our Power of Attorney! Once they realize you have someone on your side protecting you, who knows their tricks as well as they do, they have to step back and follow the law. Not only can we protect you from the IRS harassing you, calling you, and showing up at your front door, we can get those penalties reduced and in some cases completely removed!
Contact us now and lets get your payroll tax issue resolved! CLICK HERE