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Not paying your taxes has serious consequences, and one of the worst ones is the federal government filing a legal claim against all property you currently own and property acquired in the future in the form of a federal tax lien.

In this article, we’ll explain what a federal tax lien is and what you should do if you got certified letter saying you have one.

Note, we always recommend getting in touch with a specialized Tax Resolution Professional to negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. If you’d like to schedule a no-cost confidential tax relief consultation, contact us here. Our telephone number is 269-969-9752 or just email us at

What are three common mistakes that can get you in deep trouble with the IRS.

We’ve all heard the quote by Benjamin Franklin “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. Yet despite April 15th being on the calendar every single year, and March 15th for business, millions of people find themselves on the IRS hit list for failing to comply with a few basic things.

Chris Micklatcher, Attorney & CPA with Fresh Start Tax Solutions and author of IRS War Stories, Real people, real stories, real struggles with the IRS. LOCAL MICHIGAN TAX ATTORNEY & CPA HELPS RETURNING COMBAT VETERANS WITH TAX PROBLEMS